Sunday School (K-6th)

Welcome to Church 3.0 Sunday School page for children K- 6th! We welcome your children to join us each Sunday at 10:00AM. Kids will be dismissed to the classroom after worship.


The Bible is One book made of 66 smaller books from Genesis through Revelation. As we journey through the Bible, children will learn how the chapters fit together to tell God's One COMPLETE story, about The One True God's plan to rescue the world that He loves (that's you and me), through His Son Jesus. It all points to Jesus!


The Biggest Story Curriculum by Crossway. 


Along with biblically sound teaching, children also learn the truth of God's Word through:

  1. Scripture songs which help with memorization, storing God's Word in their hearts. 
  2. Engaging discussion questions
  3. Activities that reinforce each lesson. 


At the end of class, children will be given a memory verse card to take home and keep. Each memory verse card corresponds with the current lesson, and are a great tool to study, collect and store scripture in their heart, helping them to be God focused all week long.

As a parent, you are the first to lay a Christ foundation in your children's lives. We are here to partner with you, and God will cause the growth!