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Church 3.0 Announcements
Christmas Eve Service
Join us for Christmas Eve Service, Tuesday December 24th @ 6:00PM
Text Messaging & Email Sign-up
To stay up-to-date and informed about current church happenings
TEXT 'JOIN' to +1 (833) 972-3293 to be added to our text messaging communications.
To be added to our EMAIL blasts sign-up using the form at the bottom of this page.
Call to Intercessory Prayer
WHERE: Church 3.0
DATES: Every 3rd Friday of every month
TIME: 7:00PM -8:00PM
Intercessory Prayer is a bold opportunity to stand in the gap against the powers of evil and pound on the door of Heaven for all humankind until something happens!
For more details see Debbie Muise
Download the Church 3.0 App
Download our Church 3.0 app for your iPhone or Android. Look and listen to sermons and livestream with us.
Youth Sunday School Classes
We have youth Sunday School each week immediately following worship service:
Elementary Class, Ages 7-12
Junior Class, Ages 13 - 15
Join one of our SLife Bible Study Group
At Church 3.0 we firmly believe that believers should strive to be more connected, not less, whether it is physical or virtual. The SLife Bible Study Groups are small groups that meet weekly, both in person at our church facility, and online via Zoom.
Monday @ 12:00pm on Zoom
Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
Thursday @ 7:00pm
Healing Prayer Appointments
Healing prayer focuses on those issues that keep us from a full relationship with God. Healing of inner hurts, physical illnesses, addictions and spiritual hurts are just some of the areas of focus.
Learn more about healing prayer or make an appointment here.
Visit our 'Sermons' Tab
Interested in listening to a sermon, or getting the Pastor's notes? Visit the Sermons tab
Mini Church Service @ Atlee
Join us for a "mini" or abbreviated church service at Atlee Hill Skilled Nursing Facility on the 3rd Thursday of each month as we worship, praise, and read from scripture to share God's love with residents and staff. For more information or to join please contact, Stephen at 443-789-9092 Stephen_may67@yahoo.com